Obtaining a liquor license requires lots of rules and regulations to be followed, but maintaining a liquor license is even harder. A liquor license comes with both the opportunity to make a huge amount of money and with some serious responsibilities. Different counties have their own set of rules that needs to be followed to keep a liquor license. Making a small mistake by your business can cost you the loss of your liquor license.
Mistakes that puts you in the risk of loosing your liquor license
- Serving someone who is hammered can put you in the risk of losing your liquor license.
- Hiring someone who does not have a bartending liquor license can list your business in the red flag.
- One of the most common reasons for losing your liquor license is to serve minors. not properly checking the Photo IDs and serving them alcoholic beverages can even increase your chances of permanently losing your liquor license. The minimum drinking age in the unites states is 21 but steal age for serving alcohol is 18.
- No organization/business in the world wants their employees/staff drunk while on duty. It is also same for the liquor business. As the liquor business is very sensitive and requires the presence of mind to handle their guests, it is illegal for staff to drink while they are serving/working.
- Every authority states the law for serving alcohol. They affix hours to sell alcohol. But if you caught serving alcohol even after serving hours, you can face a huge amount of penalty.
- Bars and pubs are the most common places where you can see violence or some unlawful activities. Consciously or unconsciously hosting/promoting violence, gambling, illegal/criminal activities can harm the business to face even a permanent ban on their liquor license.
- Selling alcohol in prohibited spots of your premises like the kitchen, parking lot, washroom, etc is also accounted for as the forbidden practice.
- Unlawful and violent behaviour of guests, while they are intoxicated, is also a responsibility of the organization. Even third-party damages happen during that time are also the liability of the bar/pub owner.
Still there are many mistakes restaurant owners make, that cost them the lose of their liquor license. But as per our suggestion, you should read all the guidelines given by the authorities to minimize the chances of loosing your liquor license.